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Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

My first and Second days at school

Subhanallaah. Alhamdulillaah. Laa ilaaha illallaah. Allaahu akbar.

First Day
Yesterday, I was coming late, around 5 minutes. But, I'm still could enter the school. Actually, I'm preparing presentation using my laptop. But, suddenly my laptop was not working, until now. Innalillaahi. And finally, I've start the lesson without my preparation. And I just let it flow. I wish that the student can understand what I said. Hiks... A little bit nervous. Coz it's out of my plan.

Second Day
Today is my second day at school. I enter two class of science of grade xi. And I don't realize that my explanation was not good enough. It is too fast and not clear enough. I'm sorry dear my student. I'll make it clear next time. Insya Allaah.
But i think, over all, my job wasn't bad. Alhamdulillah, I get some good feedback from some student. Thanks to Allaah SWT.

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